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Nouvelles mise à jour
April 14, 2024 - CAVPA News
Just Released - Spring 2024 issue of the CAVPA Newsletter
We hope that everybody had a good first quarter and is ready for the busy spring season....[Continues]
March 3, 2024 - CAVPA News
Follow Us on Social Media
In order to help us to get our message out beyond our membership, we kindly ask you to not only like and follow our social media accounts, but also to frequently share our posts....[Continue]
January 31, 2024 - CAVPA News
CAVPA is thrilled to welcome two New Board Members
The Canadian Audio Visual Providers Association (CAVPA) is thrilled to announce the latest additions to its 2024 Board of Directors: Mr. Jim Harris Mr. Tyler Tardiff....[Continue]
March 5, 2024 - Resource
Considering a Foreign Av Supplier For an Event in Canada?
Canada Work Permit Requirements - What you need to know before hiring a foreign audio visual supplier....[Continue]
November 14, 2022 - Resource
Common myths, misconceptions, and potentially expensive pitfalls to consider when booking a venue
Exclusivity clause – Meeting and event planners may be told by their venue representative that there is an “exclusive in-house audio-visual vendor” that they can/should/must use for their production needs....[Continue]
October 24, 2022 - Resource
Article - RFP and Contract Language to Keep Your AV Options Open
If not careful, meeting planners can lose their freedom to choose their AV provider as soon as they sign a venue contract. And with technology playing an even bigger role in events during and after the pandemic, this loss can cost dearly....[Continue]

Joignez-vous à CAVPA aujourd'hui alors que nous devenons la voix des fournisseurs audiovisuels canadiens au Canada.

Informations sur l'adhésion

Veiller à ce que les installations de conférence et d'événement ne se livrent pas à des pratiques anticoncurrentielles qui restreignent l'attribution de contrats et encouragent des appels d'offres ouverts et transparents.

Devenez membre CAVPA et faites partie du changement!

CAVPA est la principale voix des fournisseurs audiovisuels canadiens au Canada.